Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Balbero Introduction

So, yeah, that’s me to the left. Hi, I’m Summer.This semester I am the TA for Professor McCay’s World of Tim Burton course. For the entire semester I will be attending both the Tuesday and Thursday afternoon courses. In this course I hope to gain valuable insights to leading and teaching older students as well as to further develop my own critical thinking/reading/writing skills. With that being said, I am here to (hopefully) help the students develop their own critical skills. If you ever have any questions about the material or anything we’re doing in class feel free to contact me at smbalber@loyno.edu or send a facebook message to me.

I am currently a sophomore and my major is English Literature. After graduation (2015!) I hope to go on to get my teaching certificate so that I can teach English Literature to high school students. I want to teach my students more than just literature, interpretation, and correct English grammar – my biggest hope is to make a difference in their lives and to prove to them that the sky should never be their limit.

I am twenty years old and have lived in Plaquemines Parish on the Westbank since I was born. Outside of school I spend a lot of my time reading, watching movies/TV,  practicing archery, and playing video games with my boyfriend. A week ago I finished Warm Bodies  by Isaac Marion and I recently started reading The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkien. My favorite books of all time are the Harry Potter series, and The Outsiders by S.E. Hinton. J.K. Rowling and Edgar Allan Poe are my heroes.As for movies, I love Disney and Pixar movies. My favorites are Beauty and the Beast, Wreck-it Ralph, Tangled, and Toy Story.Other favorites of mine include The Nightmare Before Christmas (my bedroom is filled with Nightmare décor), any of the Marvel superhero movies, Robin Hood: Men in Tights, 500 Days of Summer, Mr. Brooks, and How to Train Your Dragon. I don’t really watch a lot of television, but I am OBSESSED with The Walking Dead. It really is the best show ever. I also like The Big Bang Theory  and Modern Family, though I don’t keep up with those as much.  I very recently (about three weeks ago) picked up archery. For Christmas, my boyfriend gave me a bow and wood arrows so I could learn how to shoot. I admit, I am not very good at all, but it is a great hobby and I absolutely love shooting at zombie targets – which brings me to my next hobby: video games. The only video game series I still continue to play is the Resident Evil series. The games are super eerie and often give me nightmares, but I highly doubt I’ll ever quit playing them. They’re especially better now that I can co-op with my boyfriend and friends. 

Now that the important stuff is out of the way,here are ten  facts about myself:
1. I am terrified of spiders and chainsaws.
2. I don’t like sushi or chicken spaghetti.
3. I want to publish my own book one day.
4. I use correct spelling and grammar when I text.
5. My favorite color is apple green.
6. Captain America is my favorite superhero.
7. I want to spend a semester in New Zealand before I graduate.
8. I drink a lot of Mountain Dew.
9. I will never choose Pepsi over Coca-Cola.
10. I am fan of the Saints and not LSU.

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